Thursday, April 24, 2014

U Ugli!

The ugli fruit is a member of the citrus family, and despite its name, the fruit has an attractive interior with a sweet flavor.  This Jamaican superfood is a  cross between a tangerine, orange and a grapefrut.

Ugli has a zero fat content which makes it a perfect fruit to be eaten in any proportions. As it doesn’t have any cholesterol, it eliminates the risk of heart diseases automatically. No fat and cholesterol fruit like ugli can be cherished all throughout the season.  Ugli also has calcium storage of about two percent of the total calcium intake required daily. This helps the bones and teeth in the body to a great extent.  One serving of this amazing fruit contains 2 grams of dietary fiber. Food rich in dietary fiber reduces the risk of constipation.  This exotic fruit acts as an antioxidant and help the body to destroy free radicals, and its low in calories.

Goes to show you can't judge a fruit by its appearance.


  1. I don't believe I've ever heard of that fruit.

  2. I've seen these at the supermarket but wouldn't try it---now I will...I love grapefruit and tangerines, so I bet I'll like this as well!

  3. It really is ugli isn't it?

  4. I can't believe you've got something for every letter of the alphabet. *bows to your greatness*

  5. Where do I get it?!?! I LOVE fruit and would love to try it! I wonder if I can get it here on Cape Cod?

  6. I would love to try it but I could see my hubby thinking it was past its prime and throw it out because it does look ugly:)

  7. I worked many years in produce, nobody wanted the ugli fruit.
