Friday, February 20, 2015

GIveaway time!

Cleaning up my eating has become a a big part of my life, husband and I are always looking for healthy alternatives and new recipes.  One of my favorite things right now are Hemp Hearts, I use them practically everywhere; in cereal, on yogurt, smoothies, salads and of course right out of the bag.  

Hemp Hearts are delicious, and often compared to sesame seeds or pine nuts in taste, Hemp Hearts are lower in carbs than flax and chia; they are raw, vegan friendly and Non-GMO. Hemp Hearts have a whopping 10 grams of protein and 10 grams of omegas per 30 gram serving.  AND Manitoba Harvest Hemp Hearts are grown in Canada!  

One of my favorite post run snacks is Heap Heart Banana Sushi (relax - its fish free)

30 Superfood Recipes You've Never Tried Before.Ingredients
           -1 medium banana
           -1 tablespoon almond butter
           -1 teaspoon hemp seeds
           First, peel your banana. Then, spread almond butter on top, making sure to coat the top and sides. Then, sprinkle on hemp hearts. Place in freezer for about an hour. Then, slice about an inch thick.

Sounds great right?  I bet a giveaway sounds even better!  Sign up to be entered to win a 2oz bag of Manitoba Hemp Hearts. *Canada & US only, must follow this blog  

Since I'm a Sweat Pink Ambassador, you can use this code HHSweatPink215 for 20% off your purchase at  Manitoba Harvest (valid until March 31, 2015)



  1. Hemp is extremely good for you. The US still has a problem with it because of the 'dreaded marijuana' thing. It's ridiculous b/c there's no THC in hemp. Would love to win! It's not mixed with any nuts is it? I'm allergic to almonds.

  2. I can't have banana's but the hemp seeds sound like a keeper to eat since it is so good for you

  3. I'd love to try Hemp hearts! Yum!

  4. I love the banana sushi idea! Id totally give that a try:)

  5. HEAR YE! O HEAR YE!! This’ll help immensely on your journey Upstairs and, believe-you-me, why would you want anything else?? Why should you love our exploded plethora of produce which’ll plant the seeds for you to grow to great heights?? PROCEED AT YOUR OWN RISK:

    Greetings, earthling. Not sure if we're on the same page if you saw what I saw. Because I was an actual NDE on the outskirts of the Great Beyond at 15 yet wasn’t allowed in, lemme share with you what I actually know Seventh-Heaven’s Big-Bang’s gonna be like for us if ya believe/accept: meet this ultra-bombastic, ex-mortal-Upstairs for the most blatantly deluxe, incredibly incomprehensible, catch-22-excitotoxins, myriads of cogently-ironic-metaphors, sheer guhroovaliciousnessly-delicious-endorphin-rush with pleasure-beyond-measure (to boot), Ultra-Firepower-Idyllic-Addiction in the Great Beyond for a BIG-ol, kick-ass, party-hardy, robust-N-risqué, eternal-real-McCoy-warp-drive you DO NOT wanna miss the sink-your-teeth-in-the-rrrock’nNsmmmokin’-hot-deal: PLEASE KEEP HANDS/FEET INSIDE THE RIDE UNTIL WE MADE A CIRCUMFERENCE OF the OUTSTANDING, NEVER-ENDING, THRILLIONTH-RED-MARKER-POSSIBILITIES …with eXtra eXciting eXtroverts doing the most vivid, brazen conGREWnts: flawless as pearls from the Toyster Upstairs!!! Gain altitude, not attitude, and take front-row-seats, miss gorgeous, as the inexhaustible, irresistible intimacy shall blow-your-fragile-mind to peaces. Meet me Upstairs. Do that for us. Cya soon, girl…

    PS “It is impossible that anyone should NOT receive all that they have believed and hoped to obtain; it gives Me great pleasure when they hope great things from Me and I will always give them more than they expect”
    -Our Lord to Saint Gertrude
