Monday, June 13, 2011

a little bit of everything

Yesterday we had our family picture photo shoot, Nicole Carter (classmate, friend, fellow massage therapist and blogger) did an amazing job! There are a few shots on her blog if you'd like to check them out. I can't wait to see the rest of them.

Things are progressing smoothly for husband's deployment so far, still to early to really get into the details of it, I'm dying to blab, so hopefully later this week. He's a little further in the process this time, than the last, but you never know, so sshhh for now.

Reminder that my Taste of Home Giveaway ends June 15, so if you haven't entered already, click here! One lucky winner will be receiving a pair of vamps, Jam Jams and Rum and Butter Kisses.


  1. Glad you and your family didn't melt for the photo shoot!

  2. You must be getting so excited....keep us in the loop.

  3. I'll be checking out those photos!
    Have a great day...

  4. oooo i'm off for a nosy....:)

  5. Waiting patiently for you to blab! LOL!

  6. Wonderful photos! I especially like the one you used here!

  7. That's a very sweet shot. Seems like it's your family's turn to shine and you deserve it!
