Friday, April 4, 2014


This pesky "weed" shows up on the list of most recommended vegetables, why?!  Well its humble leaves provide 535 percent of the recommended daily value of vitamin K and 112 percent of the daily minimum requirement of vitamin A!  These greens also contain vitamins C and B6, thiamin, riboflavin, calcium, iron (crucial for generating red blood cells), potassium (to help regulate heart rate and blood pressure), and manganese. Other nutrients present in dandelion greens include folate, magnesium, phosphorus, and copper.

The root of the dandelion can be used for medicinal purposes. Its flowers can be harvested for wine  or tea.  And its greens have a bitterness that can be delicious.  1 cup of dandelion leaves contain a mere 25 calories.


  1. And here I just mow the suckers down...

  2. I actually like them and once picked them for my mom to place in a vase:) Actaully when my mom was about 5 yrs old she burnt her arm on an iron and her mom brought her to the hospital(this is in Germany). When she came home and her grandmother saw this. she took off the bandages because she knew it would leave a scar. She created a paste and it was used with the milky "juice" of the dandelion and she placed it on the burn and placed gauze over top but never took the gauze off she just kept putting this dandelion mixture on her. The burn healed-no scar and the gauze just fell off. Oh and she put it on using a father so as it would not be rubbed on-too painful. My great grandmother knew all the herbs and wild things that could cure everything. She cured my mom fromoneumonia, scarlet fever and my mom's sister and brother from diptheria

  3. I knew they were good for you but I didn't realize they were that good. I have always found their leaves bitter tasting but maybe I'll give it another shot.

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. Sorry about the delete...apparently I can't type today.
    comment was
    This would be just great IF you can find a dandelion your neighbours dog hasn't peed on or your friendly weed abatement officer hasn't sprayed with something toxic.

  6. And did you know that dandelions are a black bear's favourite food? (That and dirty diapers from the dump.)

  7. Wow! They sound like nutritional powerhouses! I have fond memories of picking them as a child and taking them to my grandmother who reacted as though I had just brought her a dozen roses.

  8. Dear me! That is a true vitamin bomb

  9. And how much fun is it to blow the seeds when they've turned to the little white ones! :-) Great post. If you have time, and want to, you can check out my D post.
