Tuesday, April 8, 2014

G is for Garlic

Known as the stinking rose, this superfood has been known to repel vampires, beat inflammation,  prevent food poisoning, cure athletes foot, keep mosquitos away, banish cold sores and help clear skin.  AND it adds a TON of flavour to food.

 Garlic is used in an old folk remedy for splinters that involves placing a slice of garlic over the splinter, then securing it to your skin with tape or a bandage. Try it and let me know if it works!


  1. I love me some garlic!!!!! Hey I think you forgot to do the letter F! lol

  2. I'm not sure of garlic for splinters but I know a paste of baking soda works.

  3. LOVE garlic and use it in almost every dish I make. It's a great food/spice to have

  4. We eat garlic all the time! No vampire is messing with my family.

  5. My hands stink of garlic as I type this because I've got a lamb casserole in the oven. It's true about the vampires. There's not a single one here!

  6. I am part Italian, so of course love garlic. Interesting post, don't know if I'll try the splinter thing though!
    If you would like to, and have time you could check out my G post.

  7. Garlic is good for heart
    Eat Eat and Eat LOL
    Thanks for sharing

  8. I despise the taste of garlic
