Wednesday, December 17, 2014

Fit, Fab & Fuel

Look at me go! 2 days in a row :)  Maybe I'm getting my groove back?!
A little bit ago I spotted the Fit, Fab & Fuel Holiday Swap, and of course I jumped in :)  We send a little package of our fav fuel (anything that keeps us going) to one person and get a little package from another; all random of course AND by doing so we get to meet new people.

 I sent a package to Anna at Pipers Run,  and I learned a few things about her
  1. Her blog is called after her nickname (which was Sandpiper, but got shortened to Piper)
  2. She is from Nova Scotia
  3. She's a runner
  4. She has 2 little girls
  5. She's been blogging about 3 years!

I got this package from Janelle at Wholly Healthy

 I never heard of Lip Shit before, if i did it would be up there on my list; just so I could ask husband -  "hon, have you seen my Lip Shit?"  Lip Shit! love the name, and it will come in handy during the Hypothermic 1/2 Marathon in Feb! Rudolph is super cute and has already found a home on my tree  :)
 And in the process I learned a few things about Janelle too
  1. She is a psycology student:)
  2. She likes to eat clan, exercise regularly and use products as natural as possible
  3. She has a pup :)
  4. She enjoys summer reading
  5. She likes to try new things  (Little Life Box, Paws and Play Box, FitFabFun Box)
Thanks to Running with SD and Naturally Fit Sisters  for hosting this Swap, I had fun, and can't wait to do it again next year.

Did you see how I added that in there?  Hypothermic 1/2 Marathon?  Yep 1/2 marathon #3!  Not bad for less than 2 years of running (go me)


  1. HAHAHA 'lip shit'. I love it!!! I swear my college roomie called chapstick 'lip shit'. My husband calls deodorant 'pit shit'.

  2. that sounds like a fun swap

  3. Lip Shit?! I love it and MUST get some myself! Yay! Glad you enjoyed the swap. I would like to do this again in the spring!

  4. I haven't heard of Lip shit either. That's awesome!

  5. Hey! So nice to meet a fellow Newfoundlander who runs and blogs!!!! I found your blog via Anna at Piper's run. :D

  6. I just bought some Lip Shit for my niece who graduated and is now a nurse. It has a picture of a 1950's nurse on it:) My hubby got one from me last year with monkeys on it. I also bought him gum with a cat on it with attitude that shows that cat's butt and says this is what you can kiss:) Good for you for doing a marathon! This sounds like a fun swap you are on:)

  7. hahaha, lip shit. That is wonderful! <3 I would probably try to work that into conversations whenever possible. :P That ornament is also super cute! :]

    Also entirely unrelated to this post, but I love your background! :]

  8. Ok, so what is the lip stuff? Just a cleverly named chapstick? and your ornament is so cute!! Thanks so much for joining us for the swap!

    -Brittany @NFSisters
