Saturday, November 6, 2010

Bonfire Night

As a kid one of my favorite holidays in Newfoundland was November 5, bonfire night. I'm using the term holiday lightly, because I don't actually remember getting a day off school for it. People gather up anything flammable, pile it up and set it on fire. Then depending on the size of the fire we'd roast hot dogs, burn marshmallows, and just dance around like hooligans, and chase the cast off flankers.

Last night husband, kiddo and myself put fire log in the chimenea and celebrated Guy Fawkes Night away from home. (Ok, its not the roaring fire of tires and boughs and anything else flammable, held down on the beach, with 1/2 the community, but what can you do; we did blare the Newfie music, and have a few swallies.)

Silly me, burned my marshmallow.

You can click here for more Bonfire/ Guy Fawkes Night Info


  1. the only good marshmellow is a charred black marshmellow.

  2. Man those Newfies have some cool ass holiday. Do they have S'mores Ash Wednesday as well?

  3. I've been seeing a lot of blog posts relating to this Guy Fawkes fellow. We need to pick up on this here. we can always use another holiday! Is there drinking associated with it?

  4. @ Vencora- I actually caught mine on fire

    Copyboy - we don't have s'mores ash wednesday, but we do have pancake day (shrove tuesday - the day before ash wednesday, and we hide coins in the pancakes)

    Pat - any holiday I celebrate has alcohol included (I guess that would make weekends holidays too, cause I love my swallies)

  5. Why can't Western Canada have these sorts of traditions too, instead of just, um, er, well, I can't think of an example. Sad.

  6. I'm confused. Where are the chocolate and graham crackers?
    Thanks for taking the test. The other students are much slower than you, so I won't be posting answers for a while.

  7. I suddenly have a craving for a hot dog...and I don't even like them that much!

  8. Psst, your choco-smarts have put us all to shame yet again! I'll be posting results (and an award) tonight/early tom. :)
