Wednesday, January 25, 2012

6 things that I'm sick of RIGHT at this second

6 things that I am sick of at this VERY SECOND...

1. Justin Bieber (enough said)

2. Winter. Cold things. Ice. Also, falling on my arse because of the ice and spraining my ankle. ouch damn ice, ouch I say

3. Seeing Easter displays in JANUARY. Can we get past Valentine’s Day first, please?

4. That there is still not a way of doing nothing and losing weight.

5. Boredom. I am bored, bored, bored. This could also loop back to #2 and the fact that I fell nearly 2 weeks ago and I'm still bruised.

6. Over sharing on Facebook. Seriously, do I need to know that you're n the bathroom agian?!

Humor me, what are you sick of right now?


  1. being fat, being married, being to wussie to do something about either one....okay?

  2. I'm sick of this weather. One day is feels like spring, the next it's winter again:(

    1. I could use with some spring feelings right about now

  3. Cold as well and being away from my home, another business trip!

    1. buisness trips - I hate those too (unless they are to warm exotic places - which they never are)

  4. 90's TV re-runs.

    And Amen to the Easter thing. Last year, the Hobby Lobby in our town put out their Christmas decorations in JULY.

  5. I have to admit over sharing is annoying too, I can see myself getting really irritated about it soon. I really hate Bieber myself so I try to stay away. Just hide from him as much as possible then when he does come up you won't be so sick of him.

    1. kiddo is a 12 year old girl - avoiding beiber is not that easy

  6. Thanks for reminding me of why I'm not on Facebook. And what is this bored you speak of? haven't heard of it.

    1. if I wasn't so nosey I would just delete me facebook account

  7. (1) Winter. (2) My WIP. (3) Winter. (4) My WIP. (5) Winter and, oh yeah, (6) my WIP that I really need to finish. How's that for a boring list?!

    Thx for letting me vent. I still hate winter and am SO sick of my unfinished book that should've been completed last summer, but hey, at least I feel somewhat better. Did I mention how much I hate winter? ;-)

  8. Facebook is NOT MY THING, period. Nor Twitter.

    Other than that, I'm sick and tired of being sick and tired.

  9. I'm sick of the Christmas lights still up (and ON) at my neighbor's house.

    1. do they also have a car up on blocks in their yard?

  10. "ouch damn ice, ouch I say" HAHAHAHAHAHAHA!
    I am sick and tired of ... I can't think of anything right now. Actually, I'm pretty darn spiff at the moment.
    Sorry... nature calls.. must to go the loo, now...

  11. Newt Gingrich. That's what I'm sick of right now.

    1. I'm glad I'm not sure who that is... sounds annoying

  12. I'm sick of internet censorship bills. :\

  13. I'm sorry to hear about your ankle! Ouch. :(

    I'm sick of feeling so slow these days; I try to get things done but then I always manage to miss something.

  14. Hi there!
    I'm not bored, but I'm right there with you on the others!

    1. well I'm not bored at this exact second, but give me a minute or two... I'll start picking things apart for fun

  15. My neighbours have a complicated set of wind-chimes outside of their apartment. Last night was very windy.

  16. There is an award waiting for you on my blog.
